If you are a Class Member, you can object to the Settlement if you don’t like any part of it. You can give reasons why you think the Court should not approve it. The Court will consider your views. To object, you must file with the Court a letter or brief stating that you object to the Settlement in Bamberg v. Dynamic Manufacturing, Inc., Case No. 2023-LA-000015, and identify all your reasons for your objections (including citations and supporting evidence) and attach any materials you rely on for your objections. Your letter or brief must also include your name, your address, the basis upon which you claim to be a Class Member, the name and contact information of any and all attorneys representing, advising, or in any way assisting you in connection with your objection, and your signature. If you, or an attorney assisting you with your objection, have ever objected to any class action settlement where you or the objecting attorney has asked for or received payment in exchange for dismissal of the objection (or any related appeal) without modification to the settlement, you must include a statement in your objection identifying each such case by full case caption. You must also mail or deliver a copy of your letter or brief to Class Counsel and Defendant’s Counsel listed below.
Class Counsel will file with the Court and post on this website its request for attorneys’ fees by May 8, 2023.
If you want to appear and speak at the Final Approval Hearing to object to the Settlement, with or without a lawyer (explained below in answer to Question Number 20), you must say so in your letter or brief. File the objection with the Court (or mail the objection to the Court) and mail a copy of the objection to Class Counsel and Defendant’s Counsel, at the addresses below, postmarked no later than May 22, 2023.
Clerk of Court
DuPage County Courthouse
505 N. County Farm Rd
Wheaton, IL, 60187
Class Counsel
Philip L. Fraietta
Bursor & Fisher P.A.
888 Seventh Avenue
New York, NY 10019
Defendant’s Counsel
Jason A. Selvey
Jackson Lewis P.C.
150 N. Michigan Ave Ste 2500
Chicago, IL, 60601